Play-Doh Cleaning Tips for Kids and Parents

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Here’s a little trivia about Play-Doh! Did you know that, when the original Play-Doh compound was made, it was not intended to be a plaything? In the 1930’s, Cleo and Joseph McVicker, owners of Kutol Products, invented a wallpaper cleaner that would help thousands of homemakers in cleaning the mess made by smoke coming from coal. At that time, coal was the primary fuel for heating. Kutol’s wallpaper cleaner was an instant hit! However, when oil, gas, and electricity became the main energy source for heat in the 1950s, product sales began to decline.

Things went differently when a school teacher named Kay Zufall, who happened to be Joseph McVicker’s sister-in-law, decided to bring the cleaning compound to school. She had this quirky idea of using it as a moulding toy for her pupils to play with. It was Christmas time, so the students made Christmas decorations out of the mould – and they enjoyed it! Thus, a new toy line was born – Play-Doh (from the words “play” and “dough”).

Today, Play-Doh is a fun arts and crafts toy that kids throughout the world are crazy about – providing them the platform to exercise their creative talents. They can mould all sorts of things, limited only by their imagination. After all the fun of moulding and playing, who will clean up the mess? The creative toy that was once a cleaning product now becomes the mess itself! But should it be?

Read more Fun Facts About Play-Doh!

It doesn’t have to be messy! Play-Doh’s special compound is made to be safe, non-toxic, and easy to clean. Cleaning it up after play is also fun! Here are easy yet effective cleaning tips from the makers of Play-Doh themselves.

When Playtime Is Done

Playing with Play-Doh is chill, both during and after! After playtime, you can remove Play-Doh pieces including the small parts from surfaces by gently pressing a large piece of the compound against the smaller pieces and lifting them away.

If the Play-Doh pieces become dry, they can easily be picked up from the floor. Please don’t use soap and water to clean them, because that will dissolve the compound and make them harder to pick up.

Use a Stiff Brush for Carpets and Rugs

In case the kids played on the carpet or rug and pieces of Play-Doh were left on it, just let them dry. Then, loosen the dry Play-Doh pieces with a stiff brush and then pick them up by hand or with a regular vacuum.

Important note: Avoid wetting the Play-Doh pieces; don’t use water or other cleaning solutions since that will cause the pieces to dissolve. However, if the dried Play-Doh pieces are too tiny and hardened that they're stuck on the threads, you may soak your rug or carpet in warm water with a spurt of dish soap for about 10 to 15 minutes to dissolve. Rinse with running water, and use an old toothbrush to scrape or toothpicks to remove the remaining pieces.

Store Your Play-Doh Compound Properly

Keeping a lid on it is the best way to store Play-Doh. Store the compound in a can with a tight lid – completely closed. If it is left exposed, the compound will dry out sooner than later.

In case it gets dry and hard, moistened the compound a bit and knead it with your hands thoroughly to make it soft and mouldable again.

Preserve Your Masterpiece

The Play-Doh compound is designed to be used over and over again. If you intentionally allowed it to harden so you could preserve your creation, the object may accidentally break and that may compromise its appearance.

The best way to preserve your child’s work of art is to take a picture of their Play-Doh masterpiece! A photo of your child’s creation lasts longer. That way, you will be able to admire and cherish it as long as you want. You can even post it on your favourite social media and show it off to your friends.

Involve the Kids in Cleaning

Here’s a cool trick to involve the children in cleaning their Play-Doh pieces! How about making the activity into a fun game? Ask them to find a specific colour and put it in the assigned can; once done, you proceed with another colour. Example: You begin with the blue pieces first, then the red ones, and so on.

Sing a song, clap your hands, or play music while cleaning! If you want, make it like a race and mark your scores. It’s going to be more of an amusing game rather than a chore!

The songs and music may continue even after cleaning. Why not grab any of the Best 15 Musical Toys for Your Child Maestro?

As a final reminder, make sure you have read the product instructions carefully and have conveyed them to your kids clearly. This is to ensure that the important details about the compound and necessary accessories are taken into consideration when doing your cleaning.

So there you have it… Play-Doh is fun not just during play, but after playtime as well. Learn the Benefits of Playing with Play Dough and the Reasons Why Arts and Crafts Are Important for Your Child!

Don't forget to check out our Play-Doh range and other clay and pottery toys!

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